The company
EG Prestations, privately owned company with a share capital of EUR 400 000, was established on March 1, 1998.
Its sales revenue in 2019/2020 amounted approximatly to 3.3 millions of euros.
Our strengths :
- Recognized logistics professional for over 20 years
- A team of 15 dynamic, competent and qualified young people
- Great responsiveness to the event
- Processing from the smallest to the largest order
- Computerized management equipped with a specific and adapted tool
- Functional, secure and air-conditioned 4000m2 warehouses
- Our references: important national and international clients
- Our services costs: very studied and very competitive.
- Our geographic location at the heart of Europe.
Contact us
Espace de la Motte
Rue du Petit Montmarin
70000 VESOUL
Tél. 33 (0)3 84 96 99 31
Fax 33 (0)3 84 96 99 30